Next Book Group:  The Swine Republic by Chris Jones

Local Study:  Bringing Justice to the Justice System

Thanks to everyone who participated in the concurrence on Part 1 Bail, and Part 2 Jail Debt. Thank you to the committee made up of Kathie Anderson-Noel, Steve Paulsrud, and Sue Johannsen. We appreciate your interest, patience, and participation! Thank you.


The people who attended agreed with the positions for Part 1 Bail and Part 2 Jail Bail with a few comments.  

St. Cloud's Circular Economy - Defining the Clean Energy Future


On February 7, LWV UMRR hosted a webinar featuring St. Cloud's Public Services Director, Tracy Hodel.   We learned how the City of St. Cloud has become a national and global leader in its sustainability work and the many positive community impacts resulting from these actions. This central Minnesota community of 70,000 has taken waste products and turned them into an enterprise that is flipping the script on climate change! 

Dec 12 6:30-8:30 at Wine Nutz

Iowa has over 70,000 miles of streams, and only 15 segments qualify as “clean water.” More than 20% of Iowans drink water treated for the removal of nitrate--a regulated drinking water contaminant that results from corn and livestock production--and nearly 7,000 private wells are contaminated with this pollutant. How does this matter to your family?

Chris Jones is a Research Engineer with a PHD in Analytical Chemistry, working at U of Iowa’s IIHR-Hydroscience & Engineering. He decided to speak out.


Quarterly book club open to all
2nd Tuesday of June, Sept, Dec, March
6:30-8:30 p.m. …Wine Nutz

To read the full study click the following link - Add Brining Economic Justice to the Justice System Study